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We opt for the personal and professional enrichment of our employees
through continuous training

Training has always been one of the strategic pillars at ZENER, as it brings great added value, and enriches our employees.


We strive to reach excellency in all of our actions, and therefore understand training as the way to be able to prepare ourselves competitively for the challenges of the future.

Based on our experience of more than three decades in the sector, we have designed a training cycle for our employees, divided into the following phases:

  • Identification and analysis of the training needs.
  • Design and planning of the training.
  • Execution of the training plan and follow-up.
  • Assessment of the results and the impact of the training.
  • Implementation of the improvements and corrective actions.


We develop our own courses, which are imparted in our own Training Centres, concerning Labour Risk Prevention, including topics like job specific training, risk information, Telco operations, works at height, confined spaces or electric risks.

Likewise, the continuous progress, especially in the field of new technologies, leads us to orient our training programmes towards permanent recycling and knowledge development.

We collaborate with different Universities and Training Centres integrating young students into our branches
with the aim of implementing the theoretical knowledge acquired by them.
The result of the joint work with these entities is that
in more than 50% of the collaborations with ZENER, the students subsequently join our staff.

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